The current number of immigrants in the country is about 37.46 millions and the 32% remains illegally in the US territory1. According to the Border Protection, Counter-Terrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control, approved last year by the government, the aliens who work and live undocumented in the country will have strong and drastic penalties, but how hard will be the stroke of missing such a great quantity of consumers and entrepreneurs, as immigrants are, for the US economy?
As shown by studies done in the last year, the contribution of immigrants in the US economy is everything but insignificant. One of the conclusions of a national survey commissioned by the National Venture Capital Association and made by Stuart Anderson and Mary Platzer last year was: "Immigrant entrepreneurs and professionals contribute significantly to job creation and innovation ... shows the striking propensity of immigrants to start and grow successful American companies 2.
In a research made by the UC Berkeley School of Information and the Duke University the numbers confirmed that: ..."the 25.3% of the engineering and technology companies started in the U.S. from 1995 to 2005 and at least one key founder was foreign-born... nationwide, these immigrant-founded companies produced $52 billion in sales and employed 450,000 workers in 2005...immigrants have become a significant driving force in the creation of new businesses and intellectual property in the U.S."3.
Meanwhile other immigrants have become employees in construction, landscaping or restaurants doing their job for lower salaries that allow having better prices for the customers. Some managers accept that without these conditions it would be harder and more expensive to face the challenges in those markets.
Other important matters are the business focused on the immigrants needs like the international calling cards, specialized supermarkets or restaurants. These projects grew due to the purchasing behavior of the immigrants. The number of immigrants is not that significant to spoil the US economy but it is pretty enough to change small industries into profitable enterprises.
Now not only the aliens are the consumers of these products and services but also the Americans can supply their needs with the emerging market.
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