Monday, July 30, 2012

Many large companies, especially the multi-national corporations (MNC), invite managers to conferences. Do not hesitate to accept and be there for the entire conference including the social elements. Participate enthusiastically and you will benefit from attending.

When you have read this article you will understand why.

For many years I was a senior marketing executive with an MNC. Its headquarters are in Paris, it has offices worldwide and manufacturing facilities in Western Europe, the USA, China and Australia. My position involved a lot of overseas travel. It was always challenging and often exciting. In my time I met Presidents, government ministers, and the CEO's and Board members of major businesses.

I attended a lot of that company's conferences around the world; from Pasadena to Shanghai, from Brussels to Singapore, from Paris to Kuala Lumpur. Additionally, I went to conferences that the company paid for me to attend, to improve my experience, make valuable contacts, and hold meetings with important players in the market. Particularly memorable was the annual conference in Honolulu, every January, in a venue adjacent to Waikiki beach.

The company conferences ranged from marketing to strategy, to detailed discussions of organisation. Every year an Area Conference was held and the President and CEO of the MNC attended and made his own presentation about the company, together with the Area President and other senior executives from Paris and the from the region.

The conferences were usually held in the Ballrooms of 5 Star hotels, in which the attendees had rooms reserved for them by the company. Suites for the top managers, of course, in which I was often called to meetings over breakfast or after dinner.

The presentations were always impressive. A specialist company was hired to design and set up the room. The graphics and the audio-visual aspects were superbly managed. The presenters, all of them, were required to rehearse the day before, and it showed in the slickness of the presentations during the conference.

They usually lasted two days. The first evening after our arrival would be informal, with a cocktail party first, followed by a buffet dinner or sometimes by a barbecue. In, some countries, particularly in the tropics, these events were held around the swimming pool.

The dress code was smart casual, except for the formal dinner on the second night to which VIPs from the hosting country were often invited. I remember being placed on a table in the Shangri La in Singapore with B. G. Lee. He is now the Prime Minister of Singapore.

Often sight-seeing tours were also arranged after the conference was over. I was taken around Beverly Hills in LA and then on to Universal Studios; also around the old parts of Brussels and the Grimaldi Palace in Monaco. These were very relaxed events with plenty of food and beer taken along.

Why are these events important to you, the reader, and the employee of the company?
You will learn about the company you work for. You will hear about its financial situation, its strategy for growth, its senior management team, its products and its problems, some of which you will be expected to play a part in solving. You will learn about the company's style of management.

You will meet a lot of people there. You may meet the President of the company himself and some Board Directors who, in my experience, are always willing to meet the company's managers and listen to their opinions. You will also meet many other managers from various parts of the company including head office. Some of the contacts may be very useful to the success of your management later on. Make sure you take a lot of business cards with you. Network your way around at the social events, and ask for a card from anybody you think may be of value. I recommend that, when you get back to your office, you send an e-mail to the contacts you believe may be able to help you at some point in the future. Tell them that you valued the opportunity of talking to them and that you look forward to talking to them again. Use words which will prompt a reply and then you will automatically be added to their list of e-mail addresses.

  • Meetings are often held in the margins of company conferences and if you think you need to be present then go to them, gatecrash if necessary. Unless the meeting is very confidential, nobody is likely to object. Also be ready for private one on one meetings. Some of my most useful meetings took place in a hotel room over a glass of whiskey after dinner.

  • Most conferences these days do not take questions from the floor. Mobile phone numbers are usually displayed on screens so questions can be sent by text. Take every opportunity to send in a good question and make sure you include your name and position in the text. Any chance of raising your profile is good for your future in the company.

  • Some of the sessions may seem irrelevant to your position, but if attendees are expected to sign in, then you had better be there. You may still learn something and make another good contact.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Attraction marketing has been a concept used for a very long time now in MLM. Let's say that you want to learn how to be a success in a network marketing business. Everything that you have been taught by your mentors so far doesn't seem to be working. So what do you do? You will start to research other ideas on how you can finally become a big success. If you want to know more about a topic like more success in your network marketing business, then you will seek out people who you feel can help you. You're looking for an expert.

Now during your research you come across someone who you feel can teach you a thing or two about running a successful network marketing business. So you start to learn more about this person and realize that they know some concepts that when applied can take your network marketing business closer to success. Now you are being attracted to this person that you know is an expert and can teach you a more effective way to build your network marketing business. So now this expert has what you want. (A Solution) and maybe you subscribed to the individuals free-newsletter so they can send you more information about what they can teach you.

Or even better, maybe you even called them at their office to learn how there service can help you in your business. How would you like it if your phone started ringing off the hook because you are an expert that can help them? I know what you're thinking, (I Would Love that). Because the expert shows you, the prospect how to be more successful, that builds a trust and respect factor. So now there is a good chance that if they have any learning material available for purchase, you will buy it. Now once the expert teaches you how to build a successful network marketing business you will be attracted to them even more. A relationship is starting to form. Now you find out that this expert has a network marketing business as well. So you check it out and you say, WOW I would love to be apart of the guys business. So you check out his business and you see value in it. So now that the expert helped you with becoming more of a success. You decide to join their business as well.

Why would you do that? Well, why wouldn't you do that?

The expert has proven himself to you by helping you in becoming more successful in your network marketing business. So of course you want to be around them more and learn more from them as well. People want to be around leaders! They want someone of value that can show them the correct way of doing things. If you want to become attractive then you must increase your value to the marketplace. You finally found a mentor that could take you to bigger and better things. So do you see how powerful attraction marketing is. You will start to see massive success when you become the Hunted in your network marketing business. Now it's your turn to become the expert an introduce yourself to your marketplace and have people be attracted to you.

Your network marketing business will grow and most of all you never even cold called any one for all this to happen. All you do is help enough people looking to become better at building a network marketing business, and they may join you down the road as well. Understand though, not everyone will join you but you will start to build a list of contacts that will be targeted and build relationship with over time. This list gives you the opportunity to market learning material as well to them down the road that you will profit from. So you see weather they join you in your business or not, it will be a win, win situation for all parties involved. As the famous Zig Ziglar says "Help Enough People Get What They Want And You Will Get What You Want"

The key to effective marketing is to promote you along with a solution instead of your business opportunity. Buy providing your prospects with valuable knowledge that will help them get what they want and make life easier instead of trying to sell them some opportunity, you start setting yourself apart from everyone else, and you start to attract them to you as the expert. Remember that the fastest way to get rich in life is to help people with their problems first and give them a solution. They must see that you have, value to give them. So you must start to educate yourself and get experience from real world situations. Once you get some experience you can create a product to help others and at the same time start to build a list of potential customers or business associates. So start becoming the expert the people will be attracted to and watch as success knocks down your door in your network marketing business.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

To some, an online marketing business is some kind of an ogre ready to pounce on them from the computer screen. Some others think this is a cake walk. The truth lies somewhere in-between. The internet is a huge library of information. Often you may find that one website recommends a certain procedure which another may ask you to avoid like the swine flu. What do you do under these circumstances? Here are some rules which can ensure success for your online marketing business.

First rule: There are no rules, only best-known methods

There is a feeling among a certain group of people that a given set of hard and fast rules apply for an online marketing business. This is a misleading notion. In fact, the same rules apply in this case as any other marketing effort. Every activity online has to be focused towards your own specific objectives. The entire online marketing business effort should go to promote your business - by means best suited to you. The first rule therefore is to follow your instincts, learn the best known methods, and then chart your own course. There are no rules.

Second rule: Create value

With all the jargon floating around the internet we tend to forget that your product or service will sell only if it has value. It is important that you ensure quality. Whatever you offer, it must deliver clear value to the end customer. It is possible that your product or service may produce quick results even if there is no perceived value. But this will only last for a short while. Remember that long term success of your online marketing business depends on you providing long-term value.

Third rule: Be innovative and creative

Online marketing business requires the same creativity and innovation as any traditional business. Your creativity will not only enhance the product value but also propel your business to higher productivity plane. It is your personality which gets transferred to your business - it is a viral phenomenon.

Fourth rule: Don't be awed by online marketing gurus, but learn from them

All kinds of gurus and experts have cropped up on the internet providing inside secrets - secrets which can make you wealthy overnight and solve all of your financial problems. Such claims simply cannot be taken seriously. Verify the fact behind the claims and make sure that the time and money you invest is wisely spent. Remember, it is your responsibility to act wisely.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A well-planned, well-organized and well-run conference is utmost necessary to produce a remarkable outcome. It is an event of getting individuals together for the purposes of motivating, brainstorming, and other business-related concerns. To handle this substantial job, companies are looking for help from third parties for their corporate conferences or meeting planning rather than choosing someone from their employees to achieve the task. It is because there is one major problem of choosing an event planner from the company's employees because employees are actually taking on two things - the planning of the conference as well as their other assigned responsibilities with the company. Hence often companies prefer to hire professional event planners to organize meeting, conferences, seminars and other corporate events. Here are top ten reasons, you company should hire a professional event & conference organizer.

1. A corporate event & conference organizer is fully responsible & accountable for all details. They manage the event from start to finish focusing on things such as site selection, contract, negotiations, and the entire booking process.

2. With professional event organizer, you company can organize events more often in different venues. Your company can even decide to take the gatherings to another country.

3. With the help of corporate event planners, company can hold meeting for only ten participants and meeting for a large number of participants, efficiently and professionally.

4. Your company will be benefited greatly on logistical needs with help of professional corporate meeting of conference organizer.

5. With the help of professional event organizer, your company can organize meetings, seminars or conferences at prices significantly lower the whole budget cost of the company's annual conference.

6. You company can provide meeting specification to a professional conference planner and get the information when needed.

7. An event planner can also help you hiring entertainers or vendors which are best-suited for any of your corporate events or conferences.

8. If a company has a short amount of time to plan for a conference, a professional conference planner can get al the details done in time still delivery you best venue & services for your important meeting.

9. Professional organizers will to do all details appropriately in time. They will execute their services to provide best ambiance for conferences, meetings, seminars or other corporate events.

10. Corporate event and conference organizers have professionally trained workers and staffs to handle the situations in most convenient and lucrative ways.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Those that have heard of Network Marketing Business Opportunity, know it is largely a people business. Some say it is a poor man's franchise as it doesn't cost much to get into but there are countless similarities between the two business models of franchising and network marketing. Advocates of the MLM industry say it is the fairest business model where all the stakeholders win. Those that are involved in a network marketing business opportunity will readily agree with this.

A unique characteristic of the MLM business opportunity model is that each representative is in business for themselves but never in business by themselves. This is supported by the design of the compensation plans where each distributor shares in their group income which promotes support from their upline. The more support the upline support team provide the bigger the earnings that can be generated.

It is no secret that many savvy distributors have made plenty of money from the MLM business opportunity model. This isn't the case with the majority of those involved with network marketing, however every distributor has the same opportunity. Ultimately failure or success in network marketing isn't determined by politics, race, age, background or gender, but only by results. Which is why it is called the fairest business model in the world.

For lots of representatives the ultimate value of their MLM business opportunity is not in the financial return but the lessons they learn while building their business. The ultimate value of the education and challenges while growing their MLM business can be truly incalculable, forcing them to transform as they are forced to get out of their comfort zones, grow, and in many cases become a better person.

This learning as you earning aspect is one of the significant aspects about a MLM business opportunity. The training system contains much of the educational material mandatory for success in network marketing. This makes the new found knowledge very easy to absorb and reinforced as it is put into action on a daily basis. It's my understanding there is no other business model that emphasis' so strongly the importance of personal development as the MLM business. The influence of experiencing the personal development by way of the teaching given is extremely different from employer style educational guidance where they assist with personal development.

Friday, July 20, 2012

It's befitting that the issue of disaster management was highlighted at the recent 35th UNESCO general conference in Paris since it served as one ideal platform to remind the world community of the challenges which natural disasters posed and the consequences of inaction. It's noteworthy that the Malaysian Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak took the mantle to sound the clarion for collective action on managing natural disasters. There has been numerous wake-up calls given by various quarters notably international aid agencies, disaster management institutions and practitioners, yet it somehow got lost in the milieu of challenges and issues at hand. Inclusion of climate change and disaster management in his keynote address at the conference was timely and opportune coming in the wake of the string of natural disasters which affected some Asian countries.

The call to action was clearly intimated when he stated that "We have to manage some of the natural disasters that occur in our regions" prior to the conference. (i) His thrust on climate change and in the same spirit, disaster management, resonates well with those international agencies and institutions already deeply involved in providing humanitarian assistance to recent disasters in the region. At the conference , the Malaysian Prime Minister aptly drove home the point that climate change posed a major challenge to the present generation and not just those in the distant future. Its impact was clearly illustrated through the recent experience with major natural disasters and catastrophes, including the earthquake in Padang, Indonesia, tsunami in Western Samoa, hurricanes in the Philippines and the major floods in Southern India. These calamities remind us on how fragile the world is, and how interdependent our world has become. (ii)

The emphasis is on sustaining the quality of life for mankind for future generations, and focussing on need for a strong global commitment and action to address the adverse effects of climate change. In essence, our survival rests on the world community's willingness to address disaster management challenges and related issues collectively and with concerted will. He has long recognized that countries beset with natural disasters should expedite steps to mitigate the impact of disasters and with the increasing magnitude of calamities faced, it behooves comprehensive collective action. It's rare indeed to see a leader showing a sustained and avid interest in disaster management and this is clearly reflected in Datuk Seri Najib's purposeful tabling of the issue at such forum. Throughout his tenure as a Minister of Defence and Deputy Prime Minister, he has on several occasions been on the forefront of promoting initiatives in that direction. In June 2006, during a high-level security forum in Singapore, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak called for the setting up of a regional based humanitarian relief centre to be mobilized in the event of disaster.

The call for collective action on disaster management is not new. Yet, inititiatives in this area is seldom seen vested in the leadership nor governments. At the 7th Asian Security Summit , held in June 2007, at the heels of natural disasters which befall Myanmar and the People's Republic of China, he called for collective action, with initiatives for the former spear-headed by ASEAN ( Association of South-East Asian Nations). Datuk Najib subscribed to the idea that disaster risk should be taken seriously and the severity of natural disasters impact on lives and livelihoods as well as the development of nations could no longer be ignored and. Grounded as an economist, he recognized that marginal investment in incorporating hazard resistance could have protected property and assets. Without appropriate mitigating measures, development achieved over years of investment could be completely wiped out in a natural disaster. Acknowledging that vulnerability rest with the communities at the ground level, building effectiveness of disaster management at the community level was of utmost importance since local needs and risks could be adequately assessed and managed. Highlighting disaster risk reduction measures, he placed emphasis on community based initiatives to minimize vulnerabilities. He fully recognized the wider collective responsibility of stakeholders and the importance of partnership in handling disaster risk reduction.

At that stage he was already pronouncing consideration to incorporate disaster risk reduction elements in new development plans and ensuring community resilience in facing natural hazards. Integrating disaster risk reduction into plans, programmes, and development projects together with developing or modifying policies, laws, and organizational arrangements are aspects which need to be undertaken, according to him. The negative economic implications on development arising from natural disasters are enormous. Datuk Najib reiterated the Malaysian government's commitment to disaster risk reduction through continuing its efforts towards implementing the priority areas of the Hyogo Framework for Action. In addressing disaster management, the Malaysian government since the 1990s had put into place policy, infrastructure and operational mechanisms to ensure coordination and partnership with all pertinent stakeholders.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The advantages of running an online affiliate marketing business compared to a traditional off-line business are numerous, so let's look at just six, which will help you determine whether this is the type of business for you.

1. Overheads and running costs are very much lower. To start and run a successful online affiliate marketing business from your own home you will only need a computer and Internet access. You just need to compare that with the expenses involved in running a traditional business from a shop or an office and it is very clear that setting up an affiliate marketing business from home is extremely inexpensive to do. The other great advantage is you will not have expenses such as renting office space, paying insurance, hiring employees, etc.

2. Traditional retail businesses are usually required to keep substantial stocks of the products that they sell. This means that they have to rent storage space then pay an employee to unload the boxes and stock the shelves and cover other logistical costs. You are not required to stock any inventory at all, which represents a huge cost saving for an online affiliate marketing business as the merchant ships everything to your customers for you.

3. You can easily set up multiple businesses in various different niches as an affiliate marketer. You will be able to start another one once one website is up and running and bringing in a consistent income as it will not require too much maintenance. With a traditional business this is hard to do because you are generally locked into one theme for your business and the logistics required to diversify are much more complicated, making it much more difficult to expand.

4. A few traditional businesses manage to grow to a point where they are marketing on a worldwide scale, however most traditional businesses are local to their marketplace. As a successful online affiliate marketer you will attract customers from all over the world. Online affiliate marketing is a truly global business because wherever people can plug into the internet they will be able to purchase the products that you are offering.

5. An incredible amount of money can be made as an affiliate marketer. Many internet millionaires have been made in a short period of time by affiliate marketers simply selling other people's products online. That kind of performance curve is very difficult to achieve with a traditional off-line business.

6. The fact that your online business is open 24 hours a day to make you money is a very important factor. Most traditional off-line businesses only operate five or six days a week and run from nine to five. As an affiliate marketer your business is open seven days a week, all year round, it never closes.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Conference and event management is one of the most popular forms of event management. It is not that easy to manage a conference or an event. With the passage of time, it's become more and more difficult to manage a particular event without any professional help. This is because events are now multifaceted. They don't deal with a single subject. From registration to organization, everything has to be managed simultaneously by the organizers. In such a situation when it becomes difficult for a single person or a company to handle all the formalities and arrangements required for a conference or n event, the importance of event management companies are realized.

Earlier you had to find out a conference and event management company by asking people or seeing advertisements in the newspapers or in the electronic media. But now Internet has taken over the lives of every individual. Now you can find out an event management company easily in the web world. The basic duties of an event management company are to look after every aspect of a seminar, conference, meeting or event. Be it a cultural programme or a seminar on a particular subject, there is a lot to be taken care of.

Conferences are by far the most important form of events that has to be managed by this kind of companies. Registration for the conference is a vital part of arranging the vent. So the event mangers keep an option of online conference registration open for the participants. This is a very good way of participating in any conference because you don't have to take the hassles of reaching the venue before time and get yourself registered. Conference registration online is also favoured by the business world because high officials attending a conference would not like to waste time early in the day by registering for an event.

The vent managers take the help of online conference registration because this reduces their hassle to a great extent. A lot of participants want to come for the event. So, it becomes to keep a track of every participant. Moreover, the registration fees have to be taken and managed by the event managers only. So, they prefer conference registration online. In this way both the parties, the organizers and the participants get benefited.

When you register online, you get an instant confirmation and the organizers can keep a track of the accounts as well. If the same thing is done manually, it will take double time. Not only registration, variety of other administrative jobs like sending invites to the speakers and the experts, getting confirmation from the participants and receiving registration and related fees can also be done with the help of online registration companies. If an event management company does not have the facility of online registration or online management, they can hire an online event management company for the work. This is a cost effective way of arranging big conferences, meetings and seminars.

An online marketing business can be very complex when you think of all the ways you can market a business online. You may decide to choose one or two main methods of internet marketing, or you may choose several techniques.

If you're a seasoned internet marketer with an online marketing business, or even a newbie embarking on a new online business venture, you will have probably already encountered the One-Time Offer (OTO) as one of these methods of marketing.

A one-time offer is a sales page that might pop up in several different places that allows you to make a purchase - now or never. You only see the page once, so you have to read it carefully and decide whether or not you want to make the purchase, or skip the offer forever.

It's a very clever online marketing business sales tactic that works for some, but doesn't work so well for others. Successful and well-known internet marketers like Mike Filsaime use the OTO as a method that helps them generate millions of dollars each year.

I have also used the OTO as a method that would supposedly help me generate more extra cash. For example, I tried OTO GoldMine, a system designed for the newbie to make extra cash by offering software and other products related to internet marketing for usually a very low price.

At first I jumped at this free opportunity. Who wouldn't when you hear all about how well one-time offers capture those internet surfers who are rushed to make a decision now, or lose the opportunity forever?

I added it to my online marketing business website so that each time someone left my site, it was set to show the OTO Goldmine offer page, which offered products related to my site, as an exit screen, much like you would capture subscribers with an exit pop-up.

After at least a few months, I realized that the OTO - at least for me, and the way I was using it - goes against what I really believe and value when I think about my online marketing business and what it is meant to do. As excited as I was to put it up, I was equally excited to take it down.

After all, I am not all about suckering people into spending their money just because they visited my website. I am more about building an honest business and recommending products as I see fit.

That does not mean that I used the OTO GoldMine product in the best possible way. You can really make a lot of extra money with this system, and they are effective enough that they are used by the pros out there.

Perhaps the one-time offer is meant to be used more carefully. For example, if someone purchased something off my online marketing business website, it would be an ideal time to present a one-time offer after they have made their initial purchase. Most good salespeople know that it's good practice to offer something else of related value upon making a sale.

I, on the other hand, placed the OTO in a place where people visited my site, decided they didn't want anything I had to offer, and then they saw my OTO sales page. It was as though I made a desperate attempt to squeeze one last penny out of my visitors who didn't want anything in the first place! Bad me.

I have learned my lesson, but have not returned to the one-time offer, which, I admit did not make me any pennies. Even though the products were valuable, there are many places to get the same products for free when you have an online marketing business.

You may also advertise the OTO in traffic exchanges as a sales page, or to your newsletter list. I still maintain that you will only be successful at this if you do it right, and put the OTO's in the right places at the right times, and have an unbelieveable offer that can't be refused.

I guess what you hear me saying is that the one-time offer is good if you are a somewhat experienced online marketing business marketer, and know exactly how, where, and when to use the one-time offer to your advantage, and your customer's benefit.

Online marketing businesses are not all about making money online. That is certainly an added bonus, but be careful about how you go about the one-time offer. You don't want to lose the trust and respect of your valuable customers, so learn all you can about one-time offers, and work on building those customer relationships first.

Monday, July 9, 2012

A conference event organiser is a complete event and conference management service, and this service is either available with a professional person who works freelance or with a team of professionals who work for a company offering the services for event management.

These organisers work for the public and corporate sector, associations, clubs and all other institutes who require the organising of a conference, an event or both as a combination of a conference and event.

Events can belong to a variety of categories such as:

  • Exhibitions

  • Trade shows/fairs

  • Road Shows

  • Gala Dinners

  • Award Ceremonies

  • Christmas and New Year functions

  • Corporate Events

  • Any other event which you feel is too much of a hassle for you to handle

Obtaining the services of a conference event organiser is an asset to most public and corporate sector institutions. In the modern day, conferences have proved to be the most effective mode of communication and interaction. Thus, most organisations take the effort to have a budget for such an event, at least annually. Organising such an event is no easy task, especially with the routine work that one has to cope with on a daily basis. Considering that this event will be a platform to make your name and earn a reputation in the consumer world, it is vital that the event has to be organised to perfection. This could only be possible by hiring the services of an effective conference event organiser.

These organisers will easily bear your burden and not hassle you with the immense workload of organising your conference and/or event. Your only contribution will be in the form of negotiating and thereafter being available for communicating your requirements for the event, to share ideas and suggestions and to be available to answer any and all questions asked by this person or company. Once you have gone through this stage, you too can relax and enjoy this event to the fullest and have as much time possible on your hands to meet and interact with your invitees and delegates.

Given below are some of the services which are offered by a conference event organiser. These services will vary depending on the type of conference and event:

  • Use the branding offered by you, or create a brand and log for your conference

  • If required, create a website for delegates to obtain information, with pages for registration, choosing of workshops/seminars and for payments

  • Planning of a marketing campaign and designing invitation mailings

  • Suggestions for the agenda, invitation of relevant resource persons and the timing of the event

  • Providing and experienced team to project manage the entire event and also to regularly report and update you with the proceedings of the event

  • Assistance in locating and selecting the right venue/venues

  • Providing a registration desk and onsite support

  • Creating an associated exhibition area and liaise with exhibitors and sponsors

  • Expert audio visual support

  • Producing delegate packs, badges and collateral materials

  • Organising of receptions, gala dinners and entertainment

  • Organising hotel accommodations and transport facilities

  • Handling of all Interior Décor

These are just a few of the many areas that need to be done when organising such events. Considering these activities and areas of work, the best solution, in order to produce a successful event is to hire the services of a Conference Event Organiser.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Like a lot of people you have been approached with an opportunity to own a business that has the ability to catapult you out of your current job and into a world of financial independence.

There are some things that I think everyone should be aware of when getting involved with a new business venture. Now is the time to unravel the secrets and mysteries of network marketing business opportunities.

Let's get down to business; here are 4 points to ponder when looking at opportunities that spark your interest.

1. This is a serious business: A lot of people don't comprehend this one even though it sounds so simple. Contrary to some, networking marketing is not a sprint to get rich scheme. Like anything of worth, a new business requires lots of time, and commitment. Nothing in this world is given away for free.

2. Creating a good down line. This is the main concept of network marketing, the faster you can add individuals below you the larger your paycheck will be. An excellent way to achieve this is by talking to your "warm contacts". People that you see everyday could possibly be a member of your down line. Once you have created your initial down line, these recruits will duplicate the process of what you have initially done.

3. Your time will be spent recruiting more people: The whole idea of your new business is invite them to your website. You don't want to cram information down people's throats, this just sends them away. You also don't want to act desperate; this type of individual never looks appealing.

4. Never stop duplication: Your main job is to recruit and teach you're down line. Duplication yields results. Also your other job is to motivate, any new business venture can be frustrating, you will be needing a full cup of patience.

The main problem with networking marketing is people want to make money but don't want to do the work that it involves. They also bail out before their new business has been given a chance to succeed.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Now a days a lot of importance is given to conference management. Previously conferences were not given too much importance as the importance of conferences for the success of businesses was not realized. Today businesses have realized this importance and there fore many conferences are held by different businesses to promote their business. Due to the increase in importance of conferences, it has become important that conference management team undergoes conference management courses. These management courses help them gain knowledge and skills required to manage a successful conference.

Conferences held now a day is no longer like the conferences held some years back. Some years back a conference was just held like a meeting and not much importance was provided to this part of business. Once people realized that conferences are even important for the success of a business, they started changing the way conferences were organized. Due to change in awareness and importance, many students and people showed interest in becoming conference managers or a part of the conference management team.

Now a days more and more people are trying to pursue a career in the conference management field. For this they require proper knowledge and for this specific reason such professional courses have been initiated. These courses cover different aspects of management which include: Planning a conference according to its requirements, getting proposals, determining the budget, following the budget, selecting the venue and boarding and lodging of guests. These are the areas which are being covered under these courses.

Due to these courses many people have been given employment in prestigious companies. Those individuals who have taken these courses are more likely to be employed by a conference management team or an agency as well. These courses provide the students with all the knowledge important for management of any conference. People who have taken these courses are being considered over those people who have experience of conference management. These courses can help you get your favorite job.

These courses are available on line; you can just sit at your home and learning through these courses. These on line courses have all the knowledge that a student needs. These courses are even available on campus. The time period of these courses are short, so you can take these courses and learn about your favorite topic rather quickly. Certificates are provided to students, these certificates enable students to get better jobs.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

There is a trend today where many people are coming online to see if they can make money in a Work at home internet marketing business better known as affiliate marketing. There is some serious money to make if you treat this like a real business. Unless you have an actual Product you want to sell you will be getting involved with an affiliate marketing business.

The different types of businesses you can chose from are as follows. I call this type the "One Shot Deal". Basically you sign up to an affiliate vendor, the two most popular are Click bank and Commission Junction. Then you market your affiliate link using pay per click search engines like Google. Warning: This is the scenario that most newbies fall into.

The mistake: If you do get a sale you lose the customer immediately. More often than not your competition will eat you alive. The Solution: I never recommend marketing something that you haven't bought yourself. With that being said create a review page and offer a valuable free report that will enable you to capture their name and email address. Then direct them to your affiliate offer. You now accomplished one of the most critical elements of Internet Marketing and that is to build your list. You now can recommend products to them later. The bigger your list the more money you can make.

The other type of Work at home Internet affiliate business you can get into is what I like to call "Make your money work for you business". The other type of affiliate marketing business that you can do working from home is Internet Network Marketing. This type of affiliate business is hands down the best type of home business to get involved with.

Generally when you join this type of business you are joining a team of net workers. If you join the right team you will learn how to successfully market online. It still amazes me how many people looking to work at home using their computer do not understand how to market online.

Warning: Joining the wrong team can mean absolute failure in this type of business. This has led many people to call these types of businesses scams. The funny thing is the same people still like trying to make the one shot deal work for them.

The solution: Find a mentor who is willing to teach you the correct ways to market. There is not a one size fits all marketing plan. Each person has specific skills and budgets they can work with. If you find the right mentor you can effectively learn how to make money working from home. Working at home allows me to spend more time with my children for that I am grateful.

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