Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Time management skills are something that can be learned. Time management is a huge issue for many workplaces and can have a damaging effect on the business as well as on individuals. Sometimes there is bullying in the workplace making people feel their time is not effective, other times it is simply that the employee is unable to manage their time effectively.

Most people struggle with time management until they learn the skills needed to overcome this issue. It is about becoming more productive, less wasting of time and making sure that the right tasks are completed by the right people.

The Issue

Most people struggle with time management at some point in their lives. Work is busy, there are demands from their personal lives, and trying to fit in a visit to the gym seems impossible. For the business, poor time management from employees and managers can mean less work being completed on time, wasted time, increased costs and a lot of stress for everyone involved. For the individual, in the worst cases it can have devastating effects on health and wellbeing.

Step One

The first thing you need to do in order to manage your time more effectively is to define what is important and what actually needs to be done. Is it important as in there will be consequences if not completed. Or is it urgent as in the building is burning down. The issue is that most of us lump a lot of stuff into the urgent box, when actually it is simply important. We have all had experience of a manager who things that proof reading his report is urgent, when actually it can wait until tomorrow and what was actually really urgent was placing the stationery order in time for a large conference. The stationery order may have had far larger negative consequences if not completed in time, yet it got pushed aside for the proof reading report. Now you do not have enough pens for the conference.

Step Two

Plan, then plan some more. Spend some time every Sunday night to plan your week ahead. Or you could debrief on a Friday afternoon, what has been achieved this week and what are your priorities for the coming week. It is amazing how much calmer and in control you will feel once you have written out a to do list and you might actually find that there are less items on there than you thought you would have. Instead of having all these things swimming around in your head you have written them down in a clear format, and now you can work through each item in order of priority.

Step Three
Following on from step two, think about de cluttering your work area. If you can get rid of distractions you can be more productive. It is much easier to focus when things are in order and you know where to find things.

Finally, follow our tips for better time management.

1. Concentrate on one task at a time
2. Delegate when necessary
3. Be careful of paper work being double-handled
4. Set out simple plans and to do lists
5. Be prepared for deadlines to sometimes come out of the blue

Try to start with one thing, and then move through the other steps and tips. Time management can be mastered if you try to can reduce a lot of stress, money wasting and even bullying at workplace and people will be less stressed. Time management skills can be learned they just take some practice and a key factor in their success is getting your friends, family and colleagues involved. Ask for their support while you try to take back control of your time and see how more productive you become. Once you master the skills, you will feel calmer and more productive. This is not to say that there will not still be times when you are under the pump, and stressed or pressed for time. That is life and happens to all of us. But what you can manage is 90 percent of your time and also gain the skills to deal with the tough times when they come along.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Sometimes, people cannot enjoy their life because they think that life is full of risks and unexpected things. To enjoy life to the fullest, we can consider purchasing life insurance. Purchasing insurance is a way to maximize protection and to deal with any unexpected things with ease. Basically, there are two types of life insurance: term life insurance and whole life insurance. People can go for whole life insurance if they want to get the optimum protection but the premium can be very costly. Purchasing life insurance is not wasting our money. It is more like making investments.

There are several reasons why a person should have insurance. The first reason is because we need to make sure that we can be responsible towards ourselves and not become a burden to someone else. If you are a single person and live far away from your parents, you have to at least make yourself get protected or insured with life insurance you purchase. The second reason is to lead you getting a financial freedom. When you get retired in the future, you will not need to be worried about your financial circumstances anymore as all things have been covered with insurance.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Assisted living providers are frequently integrating other services into their programs. This is especially true with larger programs (25 or more residents) operating in commercial facilities. Included in these living centers are outpatient rehabilitation programs, adult day care centers, counseling centers, geriatric education libraries and more. This provides for a wide ranging approach to serving a community's long-term care needs, especially as it relates to seniors.

Many providers in the contemplative stage and others redeveloping existing initiatives hire professional marketers and public relations professionals to educate the community on what their program has to offer. Others have to write well defined business plans in order to help secure the financing for your growth and diversity campaigns.

We have long recommended that before composing the total picture, isolate your income to operational divisions. In this way you can keep a more defined look on your expenses and income as they are segmented into departments. Some call this the retail approach and it is really meaningful when one area has to financially cover another for a time.

For example let's say that you are operating a 50-bed assisted living program or contemplate doing so. The average monthly revenue per resident is $6000.00 so at capacity your revenue is $300,000.00 monthly with an annual operating gross of $3.6 million from assisted living fees. Having considered the expenses associated with food, staffing, insurances, physical plant operations and marketing you arrive at a monthly expense of $3,720.00 per resident so you need $186,000.00 to break even each month or $6000.00 from 31 residents. It is easy to figure out what it takes to break even.

So what can we rely upon from our other divisions when our resident census is at 25 and we are $36,000.00 away from breaking even each month? Well let's conclude for the moment that our rehab clinic downstairs generates a profit of $75.00 per patient visit. Do you see where we are going?

If we divide $36,000.00 by $75.00 we get how many patient visits are required to offset the deficit this month in our assisted living division, which would be 480 visits for the month. Of course if we are seeing patients an average of 3 times per week each, you need 37 patients to be seen on that schedule. (3 x 4.33 is an average of 13 visits per month, per patient allowing us to arrive at needing 36.9 patients to be seen in order to arrive at 480 reimbursable visits).

You likely also have an adult day care center with its own revenue stream on the premises, a medical transportation service and more. Regardless of how diverse you are, our goal is simply to demonstrate the importance of knowing how each department can rely upon and support the other when needed.

Of course we know you will be busy aggressively marketing the program and ensuring each division operates at capacity most of the time. This will make inter-departmental financial reliance outside of the norm.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

This essay has been written out of three fears: We are experiencing an economic crisis rather than a financial crisis in that the underlying problem is resource depletion; the crisis is world-wide rather than just an European one; And the crisis is much more serious than is generally admitted.

The ups and downs of economic activity have been a concern for a couple of centuries if not for several millennia This essay will try to use the formula from the quantity theory of money to evaluate where the economy is currently at, and then look at how money is created and propose an alternative way of creating money to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. This proposal is to extend local exchange trading systems into a national exchange trading system. It is also suggested we should move our economic structure closer to the perfect competition model.

The quantity theory of money suggests money supply has a direct, proportional relationship with the price level. I prefer to think of it as the connectivity formula because it connects the real economy and the financial economy. The connectivity formula states


...where M is the quantity of money in circulation, V is the velocity or rate at which money circulates, P is the price level and Q is the quantity of goods and services produced and exchanged. I think it is important to note there are four variables and one should look at the factors which cause all four of them to move.

Generally we want P to remain stable. Inflation or deflation cause undesirable upsets in our lives and prices need to remain stable so that we can have faith in our money.. Changes in individual prices should be signals to change the mixture or quantities of goods and services we produce.

When I took my first economics course I remember the professor talking about scarce resources. However, since then many people appear to assume that the resource base is unlimited and that our economy will be able to continue to grow forever or at least the foreseeable future. I have not noticed much interest in the Q part of this formula.

Through most of the recorded history with which we are familiar there has been a long-term trend for Q to go up. This does not mean that it will continue or that the increase has been steady. It is quite likely there has been a fractal pattern to this trend and that these ups and downs have impacted the economy and our lives.

There are a number of things which could and probably have impacted on Q. Through the ages the most important has been improvements in agricultural productivity which has supported a larger population and released people for work in other fields. Technology has also played a major part in increasing Q through the years.

It is likely the discovery of resources and commodities and their depletion have also been fractal over short and long terms. This too would have impacted the formula.

Wars may also have had an impact. The demand for war materials would cause Q to go up during a war and may cause it to go down afterward as economies recover. Another possibility is a pent-up demand as was the case in North America following the second world war. While the Americans put a lot into the war, they still had tremendous commodity resources at the end of it. They also had the desire and developed the technology to exploit these resources.

Another possibility is changing values such as the work ethic.

Turmoil and volatility in the other side of the equation could cause production to decline. Ian Morris in his book Why the West Rules - for Now (McClelland & Stewart, 2010) identifies what he calls the five horsemen of the apocalypse - famine, epidemic, uncontrolled migration, state failure and climate change which "can turn into disastrous, centuries-long collapses and dark ages." (p 29) Any of these would also show up as declines of the Q in the formula.

All this is further complicated by the existence of seven billion people on this planet most of whom want a modern standard of living, good health care and families.

So what is currently happening to Q?

Too many of the headlines one sees on news articles are compatible with the fear that Q is on a major downturn. Here are three other major pieces of evidence.

Angus Maddison in his book Contours of the World Economy, 1-2030 (Oxford University Press, 2007) identifies five phases of growth since 1820 (Page 69) of which the years 1950 to 1973 he labels the golden age of prosperity. The years from 1973 until the time of publication (2007) were the second most prosperous of that time period. One would have to guess the down trend has continued since 2007.

The second piece of evidence comes from the World Wildlife fund which published the Living Planet Report late in 2010. The report claims we are using resources at a rate 150 percent of that which would be sustainable for the planet. If this is correct then there has to be economic turmoil. Even if the figure is exaggerated we should be taking it seriously. In the last year I have seen no discussion of the possible economic consequences.

The third piece of evidence is a United Nations report published in December, 2011 which claims 25 percent of the world's land is "highly degraded" and 44 percent is "moderately degraded," while only 10 percent was classified as "improving".

Even if these figures are an exaggeration we should treat this report with concern. No matter how many technical gadgets we have and no matter how much of our economy is based on services, if we can not produce enough food for everyone there will be serious economic and social problems. The less we consider this report and how to deal with its implications the more human suffering there will be.

Considering the number of factors which can influence the quantity of goods and services being produced both up and down, to maintain price stability it is important that the money supply can easily be varied.

These points along with most of the headlines I read every day lead me to think the world economy is into a major downturn. The horsemen of the Apocalypse are possibly riding again. Problems in the physical side of the economy are showing up as a financial crisis. This presents us with a policy dilemma. Austerity as is proposed by some people will inflict uneven suffering on too many people and stimulus as proposed by other people will consume even more resources and bring forward a major crash. If a chunk of the money supply should be lost as a result of a financial crisis, then the downturn will be even worse.

Now lets look at the financial side of the formula.

The study of anthropology shows humans do not need money in order to exchange goods and services and that relationships are important in exchanges where there is no money.. Money allows us to exchange with strangers and on a much larger scale. Therefore we should look upon money as a tool, or maybe even a lubricant, which makes it easier to exchange goods and services.. We probably should not be treating it as a commodity.

I want to look at three ways in which money can be created - the gold standard, fractional reserve money and LETS (local exchange trading system).

Through the years many commodities have been used to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. Being rare, beautiful and mostly useless gold has been a favorite. The metal itself can be used or receipts representing gold in storage can be used. The use of gold (or some other commodity) was probably an early step in the transition from an economy based on relationships.

The advantages of money based on gold are that it is easy to establish and it is easy for people to believe in it and have faith that they will continue to have something of value although even gold can change its value relative to things it can be used to purchase.

But gold has some serious disadvantages as money..The biggest is that the amount of gold is limited by what can be dug up or imported or stolen. Thus if there is too much gold in circulation there will be inflation which happened after the Spaniards started importing gold (and silver) from South America. On the other hand if there is not enough gold there will be deflation as happened when the Americans went back onto the gold standard following their civil war.

To some extent the quantity limitation of gold can be overcome by the use of fractional reserve money on top of gold base. The total money supply can be varied with changes in reserve requirements or in what else besides gold can be accepted as high-powered money. But on the gold standard people tend to be emotionally attached to the idea their money is backed by gold.

If there is anything that deserves to be called funny money, it is fractional reserve money. A couple of times I have asked loans officers how it feels to be able to create money, and they cannot believe that they are doing that. Money creation in our economy is just a little complex and it takes a little effort to understand how it works.

Money is created when banks make loans and uncreated when the loan is repaid.

Here is the classic explanation. Suppose $1,000 of money from outside is deposited in a bank in a closed economy of three or four banks where all transactions are by cheque (or these days bank card). This bank is required to hold reserves of 10 per cent (to make the arithmetic easy) and the bank manager now has $900 to loan to his customers. The customers spend the money and it ends up in another bank in this community. The second bank manager can now make a loan of $810. By the time the $1,000 of new money has worked through the system there has been $10,000 added to the money supply of this community. Isn't that incredible? No wonder loans officers won't believe they are creating money.

I've been trying to think up some advantages to creating money this way and the only thing I can think of is that it is what we are used to. Money is such an emotional thing that to suggest something else is seen as treasonous. Change can be threatening.

However, there are at least three disadvantages to fractional reserve money.

The first is that it gives tremendous power to bankers who get to determine which projects go ahead and by whom. They also have opportunities to take cuts for themselves and they get to charge interest on the money they have created. It is no wonder that the economic frustrations of people through the years have surfaced as protests against bankers.

The second problem is that the above model does not take into account that interest is charged on all those loans. Suppose the loans were all for a one year term at 10 per cent interest. On the one year anniversary the $10,000 of new money must be repaid with $11,000 even though no additional new money has been created. In the real world through most of the years fractional reserve money has been used the economy, the high-powered money and the money supply have all been growing so that interest has not been seen as a problem. This is beginning to sound like a variation on a Ponzi scheme.

A third problem is that this model does not look at what happens if something happens to the high-powered money upon which the $10,000 is based. The original $1,000 could be suddenly withdrawn or one of the banks could have to write off $1,000. Either way for the banks to maintain their 10 per cent reserve requirements they are going to have to reduce their loans by $10,000 and that will be $10,000 less money to facilitate the exchange of goods and services in the community. Unless the velocity of the remaining money can be increased either prices will come down or the economy will be forced into a recession as Q drops. The writing off of large amounts of debt and a reduction in high-powered money may be a part of what happened during the financial crisis of 2008. The current Euro crisis could be even worse.

Another problem with fractional reserve money is that the total money supply cannot easily be varied especially downward and deflation is probably more of a problem than inflation.

Through the years, as we saw earlier, there have been ups and downs in the quantity of goods and services the economy can produce. On top of that there are instabilities from the way in which we create money. There's a saying that complex systems fail in complex ways. If we really are going into an extended period of economic decline these financial instabilities and complexities are likely to make things much worse.

Sometimes the promoters of local exchange trading systems (LETS) try to sell it as a form of barter. However, I believe they are just using another form of money.

Rather than talking about creating money it might be more appropriate to talk about assigning credits and debits. Maybe this will help us get used to the idea that money should be considered a tool or lubricant rather than a commodity.

A group of people in a local area agree to trade among themselves. When two parties have agreed to a transaction they record the transaction with the organization. The seller gets a credit and the buyer gets a debit. They then go on to make further deals with others in the organization and over time everything works out. The exchange part of this is really not much different from using bank accounts to facilitate exchanges.

But doing it this way the problems with fractional reserve banking become positives. No interest is charged or received; therefore there is no need for the money supply to be continually increasing and there should be no inflation or deflation.

As money is assigned with each exchange the total amount varies automatically. If the members increase their economic activity the assigned money supply goes up and if some problems force a decline in their exchanges the assigned money supply automatically goes down without impacting prices.

A third advantage is that the velocity of money is variable. Once some money is assigned it can sit in the account until the owner is ready to use it. As money is a tool it can be used when needed. As there is no interest to be earned there is no pressure to do something with it.

There are two disadvantages to a LETS.

The first is that every transaction is recorded. On a national scale this would make social control much easier. One the other hand most of us have embraced debit cards with enthusiasm and give little thought that each transaction is recorded.

The second problem with LETS is that its usefulness is somewhat limited because people have to join and it is local. Most of us want to exchange goods and services on a much larger and wider scale.

Therefore I propose we expand the concept into a national exchange trading system (NETS).

Such a radical change in the way of assigning money would require a radical revision of our whole economic organization. It would also go against a lot of vested interests.

Here are some guidelines for establishing a new economic order.

First, I suggest the goal would be to get as close as possible to the perfect competition or market model.

Because many economists are close to big business or seen as being close a lot of people won't listen to anything from economics. Some of these people go on to propose an economy based on small business. What a shame they don't listen as the first requirement for perfect competition is that no participant in a market is so large as to be able to influence prices through purchasing or selling decisions. A lot of thought has gone into the economics of small business but it appears some people want to reinvent the wheel.

What I like most about the perfect competition model is its equality feature. As the competition is perfect there can be no profits other than wages, a return on investment and maybe something to compensate for risk. The challenge of the future is to organize our economy so that most people will be able to share the available resources. The closer we are to perfect competition the closer we will be to meeting this challenge. However, one has to recognize that not everyone is committed to equality.

As growth is not a part of this model, it is ideal for a steady or declining economy.

As it is important for economic efficiency that prices reflect the true costs of production, subsidies should be given to consumers rather than producers and there should be no protection from international trade. A country making this change should declare unilateral free trade. If other countries want to subsidize our living standards that is up to them.

We should try to limit political influence on economic issues as politicians tend to have goals that interfere with an efficient economy.

A second guiding principle should be that the money supply must be variable. However, we must also ensure there is neither too much or too little. We must take care that no individual or group allows the money supply to increase for their own profit. Prices in general need to remain stable although allowing individual prices to change will provide signals for changes in production activity. Probably the way to deal with controlling moneys supply would be to tie it to a general price index. If the index goes up then the money supply should go down and if the index goes down then money supply should go up.

For some time most of our money has been entries in the books or computers of the banking system. However many people still think of money as having its own value as in gold and it should therefore earn interest. To adopt a NETS system we are going to have to complete the psychological transition to thinking of money as a tool or lubricant that gets its usefulness from facilitating the exchange of goods and services.

NETS money would be based on debits and credits created when people exchange goods and services. Its backing would be the goods and services produced. As no interest is charged on this money velocity should be more variable and this should balance small fluctuations in the value of Q..

There would probably be a need for some currency for small transactions to preserve privacy and to keep police employed. (If there were no currency a lot of crime would be difficult or easily tracked.)

Currently a lot of money goes through government coffers in the form of transfer payments to individuals and subsidies to producers. I believe subsidies should go to consumers rather than producers therefore I propose that these be combined into some sort of universal income scheme to ensure that everyone has a minimum standard of living. This would involve making payments directly into the accounts of individuals probably on a monthly basis. It may be necessary to have some taxation to keep the money circulating.

A major effect of giving out universal subsistence payments would be to transfer power to individuals who would vote with what they chose to do with their money. The power to assign money would be with individuals rather than bankers.

Universal subsistence payments will be needed for the same reasons pensions, unemployment insurance and social assistance are needed - to help people get through those times in their lives when they are not capable of earning a living wage. It would also allow people to choose what they wanted to do with their time and their lives as current technology does not require everyone to work their whole lives. And when there is a probability of an economic downturn this program would ease the suffering from economic turmoil.

Most of the money supply would be assigned in the day-to-day transactions. However, some person or group of people would have to determine the amount of the universal subsistence payments. This amount should be determined so as to keep a price index steady. It would probably be best to keep politicians out of it although I can see giving presidents and prime ministers the right to make a limited special payment on the day before elections. We won't be able to stop this type of bribery so we might as well keep it controlled.

In trying to implement such radical changes it would probably be wise to reevaluate all government functions especially those related to economics.

Currently governments use their powers to pass legislation that restricts the operation of the market so that some people can make profits they would not make if full competition were allowed. This includes patent and copyright, licensing, trade restrictions and regulations. I would like to see governments reverse this role and support the basics of perfect competition. One thing they should definitely be doing is to require the publication of all knowledge relevant to the production and pricing of all goods and services. Producers need to have the knowledge to easily get into an industry and customers should have access to all the information they need to make decisions according to their values.

Another function of government should be to evaluate and publicize what is happening to the Q in the formula - the quantity of goods and services being produced.

Governments should also ensure the production of infrastructure, justice (rather than the rule of law) and education. Please note the word ensure. Governments could ensure the education of all children via a voucher system rather than through public schools.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

While I'm out there both in the real (and virtual worlds) advocating the many advantages of the cooperative marketing business model, I am often asked what I like to refer to as "The BIG Question":
"What is the NUMBER ONE unique benefit of running a cooperative marketing business?"
My answer usually goes something like this...
The biggest benefit that totally sets cooperative marketing apart from every other business model is that you can build a rock-solid monthly residual income WITHOUTever having to do any personal recruiting or selling. (Unless you want to that is! Doing so obviously gives one more "leverage" but it's not required.)
I want to make sure it's perfectly clear that you can come into a cooperative marketing business, never tell anyone about it, and generate a substantial income with very little involvement.
The only variables are your time and financial resources, and the only choice that has to be made is how BIG you want to grow your business, and that can be as simple as acquiring or earning more customers.
By the way, cooperative marketing is NOT about having to follow up on leads that a company generates for you. That is the very definition of a traditional direct sales business.
With a cooperative marketing business, the company handles all the daily operations (the things that most of us DON'T want to do), like stocking product, keeping an inventory of various products in our garage, fulfilling orders, retention, back-end marketing, bill collecting, reselling our customers additional products, and even talking to your customers when they have questions.
There's NO other business model in ANY industry out there that does this. None!
These customers want to order the products and are NOT making a purchase because there's a business opportunity attached to it, which in turn creates a stable and predictable residual income for home-based entrepreneurs.
Over time, this type of business can become an income-producing ASSETbecause:
· Cooperative marketing companies run infomercials and acquire customers for you.
· There's no need to rely on harassing your family and friends.
· It eliminates the headaches of buying leads and prospecting.
· It's an easy business to start up.
· There are easy business management components that are built in.
· You can experience a hassle-free monthly cash flow that equals and exceeds your equity, time and skills.
· There are no inventory costs, hassles or headaches!
· There are no employees or having to provide benefits or pay additional taxes.
· Your business can exist anywhere as long as you have a phone and Internet access.
By the way, in the wake of the Bernie Madoff scandal, The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) loves to pick on (and shut down) companies that are primarily focused on recruiting new associates, distributors, and reps in lieu of retailing their product or service.
Keep in mind that unlike MLMs, there are no "distributors" in a cooperative marketing business because they NEVER distribute product or provide services to their customers because the company handles all that.
What would you rather have?
Would you want to continuously spend time and money on expensive business opportunity seeker leads, face rejection, and do all the "grunt work" of sponsoring distributors that will most likely quit when they're not making money?
Would you rather have a reputable company run television and radio infomercials and do ALL the selling and follow-up to acquire hundreds or thousands of legitimate customers for your business, while you sit back and collect the checks that come in from the customer's re-orders?
The answer is pretty simple and obvious, isn't it?
That's why I refer to this as the primary benefit, because it's that loyal customer base that creates the residual income we're all looking for. And remember, true residual income is ONLY generated ONE WAY: Customer acquisition and customer retention.
In closing, never lose focus on the fact that in marketing, proven systems work, so sadly, it's the people that fail. That being said, lots of marketers claim to have a proven system.
Of all the business "systems" that exist, franchises have been advertised as being the most profitable. But are they? Let's take a look at the numbers:
The average cost to start a franchise is about $200,000 on the low end and only promise you around $50,000 per year in income. So, it would take about four years just to break even and pay off your initial investment!
In other words, you would have to work for four years for FREE! As crazy as it sounds, lots of people still buy into this business model every year, only to find out later that they didn't buy a business at all, they bought themselves a JOB, including all the long hours and headaches that come along with it. No thanks!
Regardless of what we think about franchises, we know that all of the successful ones in the world use some sort of systemized approach.
Look at McDonald's for example... I don't think anyone would disagree that they don't make the best burgers, yet they continue to grow by billions of dollars every year.
Why? Because even though people will continue to fail, the system produces consistent results every time.
So, you've got to have the right vehicle and a system that works for everyone.
Cooperative marketing takes YOU out of the equation, meaning that even you can't mess it up.
That's why it works!
The Back-End
It's not enough for a cooperative marketing company to be able to advertise and acquire customers for you if they don't ever purchase again.
So, it's also critically important to find a company that will do ALL the back-end marketing to get YOUR customers to re-order. It's even more preferable if a company can do this for no additional cost to you. When done properly, a company's back-end marketing can put money in your pocket month after month for years and years down the road.

Monday, December 16, 2013

In this day and age, the global economy is witnessing a dynamic change and, consequently, more and more business organisations are setting up regional branches for greater exposure. This has also resulted in the deployment of a mobile workforce at an unprecedented amount in the corporate sector. Owing to the advancements done in this aspect, the corporate world has witnessed a growing number of mobile personnel, which is set to increase to a whopping 1.19 billion by the year 2013. Due to the increase in the number of remotely located employees at such a high pace, the demand for a streamlined communication platform has also increased.

This calls for web conference solutions, which primarily work on a Software-as-a-Service model that allows three or more group members to meet and collaborate in a virtual conference room. The main purpose of these meetings is to bridge the gap between the headquarters and geographically dispersed offices of an organisation. This greatly helps business firms in Hong Kong to liaise with their associates. Owing to the potential for growth in the productivity of individuals as well as the whole organisation, business organisations of all sizes are steadily deploying these web meeting solutions within their premises.

Nowadays, Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) as well as large enterprises can enjoy the same array of features with advancements in online conferencing. Large firms that are have widespread business operations rely heavily on operator attended solutions with remote desktop sharing, document transfer facility and support for mobility. This type of web based conferencing solution is moderated by Event Managers who help in achieving unparalleled functionality to such firms.

On the other hand, small scale firms mainly access web meetings via desktops and laptops and use them to reduce the costs involved with large scale communications. Of course, companies of all sizes make full use of features like file transfer, enterprise Instant Messaging (IM), desktop sharing, PowerPoint presentations, white board, annotation tools and presence indicator to fill the gap between their professionals.

As an enjoyable web meeting experience is essential for the increase in the rate of adoption of web conferences, a reliable network becomes a necessity for any organisation. High speed Internet, no additional downloads or plug-ins and network security are key attributes that make a suite useful for an organisation. It is important for the business organisations to note that the web meetings network is tuned optimally by dividing the bandwidth on different switches and routes. The codecs used to decompress files, data packets as well as the integrated audio should be updated regularly by the Conferencing Service Providers (CSPs) in order to streamline communications as well.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Getting the Cheapest and Safest PC Repair Quote
Is it really worth shopping around for the cheapest PC repair quote? Wouldn’t it be easier to opt for the first store you find offering computer repair Chicago has to offer and think no more about it?
Sure it might be easier, but if you value your PC and indeed your pocket, it isn’t advisable.
What appears to be a minor PC repair on the surface can in fact be a huge and delicate job that ends up costing hundreds of dollars. Likewise, what seems to spell the end of the world could be something wonderfully easy that takes seconds and costs cents to put right – but how can you be sure of your provider’s honesty? After all, if you knew what was going on, you wouldn’t need help in the first place, right?
Check Out the Site
Before going any further, use your instincts and better judgement to take a look at their own site and see if they come across as you’d expect. This is after all a computer business you’re looking into so it goes without saying that you could do with a service provider able to present itself well on the web. If you come across sill mistakes, inaccuracies or anything else that doesn’t exactly scream professionalism, ponder whether this is the kind of first impression you were on the lookout for.
Check Out the Competition
And of course, once you’ve decided that they seem up to the job, there’s no harm in taking a look around to see how others in the same industry are presenting themselves. It could turn out that your initial choice is a shining beacon of brilliance to the industry, or it could put it all into perspective in a slightly less positive way. In either case, you should take the time to check out the options available to you before settling on a final service provider – even if time isn’t on your side.
See What’s Guaranteed
It’s one thing to promise you a fast repair and the lowest prices on the market, but another entirely to back these promises with a rock-solid guarantee. There are plenty of providers out there that promise full refunds if you’re not completely satisfied or will refund the difference if you find a cheaper quote elsewhere, which essentially means there’s nothing to gain from siding with one that doesn’t.
See What the Feedback is Like
Perhaps most crucially of all though, it’s vital to find out from the most important people of all whether or not they stand up to the reputation that they have given themselves. This means looking into the ratings and the experiences of those that have taken on their services and products before, in order to evaluate what translated into quality service in a the real-world. A service and site that’s proud of what it does will make this kind of feedback impossible to miss, but even if there’s none to be found right in front of you it take no more than a quick visit to Google to uncover the evidence.
Author Bio
Ilya Elbert is the nationwide account executive of AllIT, a full service Information Technology solutions company that serves to the rest of continental United States. Follow him on Twitter to receive IT news and updates.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Social networking for business purposes is so popular because it is a very easy medium for business owners or managers to communicate with prospects and clients. People love to take the path of least resistance and there is no path with less resistance than social media. Social networking is one of the most enjoyable activities online and makes the job of networking very fun and easy.

1. Direct messaging may be the best way to contact anyone

Twitter is still one of the places that most people (including some celebrities) manage themselves. One of the biggest secrets is that almost anyone is contactable if they are contacted via a direct message within the system. This used to one of the most underutilized tools in on most social networks. The reason why is that people were used to using the status update tool to keep each other updated about the happenings around the social network mediums. Even now, there are a slew of marketing gurus and celebrities that still answer their own direct messages on the some of the social network platforms.

2. The social networks mimic the way people talk

Social networks also mimic the way that most people talk already. They allow for enjoyable conversations because the systems are very easy to use and fast. This speed allows people to use the networks even when they should not be using them (at works, perhaps?). However, for business purposes, this allows two parties to communicate very quickly about partnerships, joint ventures, or anything else business related.

This is all made very simple because the conversation is turn based. Each party can post a status update to a conversation but the conversation pieces do not overlap or overwrite each other. This allows the parties to talk freely and on a variety of topics without losing their place in the conversation.

3. The newer social media platforms allow the use of videos and images

The platforms also allow the use of videos and images. These images and videos can add an extra element that makes the use of the system more entertaining than its predecessor (online bulletin boards) does. The old bulletin boards were places that were just full of text. They did not feel active and felt very sterile. The newer social media platforms allowed people to use different mediums and made the systems feel like they had more life. This allows a business meeting to be far more interactive as well. Instead of sending presentation slides between the two sides, the presenting company could show a movie instead. This greatly enhanced the usability of the social networks.

Social networking for business purposes is only going to gain more popularity over time. The ease of use will allow it to grow much faster in the coming years until it becomes just as common as business card is for business. Social networking is one of the most popular methods of communication available. In fact, it may have usurped e-mail as the preferred way to contact a person. Social media has become inter-weaved with popular culture and any company or person who does not have a profile is seen as a person who is behind the times.

Audio conferencing, web conferencing and video conferencing services are a powerful and cost-efficient alternative to in-person meetings. All conferencing services offer a vast array of benefits, ranging from significant cost savings to a smaller carbon footprint for your business. That being said, in order to ensure you get the best return on your conferencing investment, it is imperative that you and your team practice good conferencing etiquette.

Audio, web and video conferencing etiquette for effective meeting includes preparation, practice, starting meeting on time, ignoring eating and primping, mute call to avoid disruption.

  • Prepare - As the saying goes, failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Ample preparation is essential to holding an effective meeting. Create an outline you can share with participants either prior to, or at the start of your meeting that lists the topics you will cover as well as your objective(s)

  • Practice - Whether you're new to conferencing or a veteran, performing a few dry-runs before the actual meeting is a smart move, as you don't want to risk losing your participant's interest by shuffling through paperwork while on the call. Moreover, if you're dealing with a new or unfamiliar service, dry-runs will allow you to test all of the available features that aid in conducting a more engaging and collaborative web, video and audio conferencing services experience

  • Start on time - Respect your participants that arrive early or on time and begin the conference at the appointed time noted on the invite

  • Don't eat anything - Aside from a glass of water, avoid snaking or drinking during your meeting. This might seem like an obvious one, but you'd be amazed at the things some participants will do while on a conference call. One of the many ways to ensure your participants stay on their best behavior is to add real-time video to your conference. Many of today's providers offer video via web conferencing (for more information on this service, contact one of our professional account managers)

  • Avoid primping - Following up on our last point, in addition to no eating or drinking, participants and hosts should refrain from adjusting their hair, makeup, clothing or anything else that could be distracting to others. Your hosts and the other participants deserve the same respect that you would show them in an in-person meeting

  • When it doubt, mute it out - A good rule of thumb is to put your line on mute while a presenter is speaking. This eliminates the chance something you do (such as cough or adjust your seat) will disrupt the call

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